Monitor Model Runs

Models may be complex, built from many processes and may take a while to run. xarray-simlab provides functionality to help in monitoring model runs.

This section demonstrates how to use the built-in progress bar. Moreover, it exemplifies how to create your own custom monitoring.

Let’s use the following setup for the examples below. It is based on the advect_model created in Section Create and Modify Models.

In [1]: import xsimlab as xs

In [2]: in_ds = xs.create_setup(
   ...:     model=advect_model,
   ...:     clocks={
   ...:         'time': np.linspace(0., 1., 6),
   ...:     },
   ...:     input_vars={
   ...:         'grid': {'length': 1.5, 'spacing': 0.01},
   ...:         'init': {'loc': 0.3, 'scale': 0.1},
   ...:         'advect__v': 1.
   ...:     },
   ...:     output_vars={'profile__u': 'time'}
   ...: )

Progress bar

ProgressBar is based on the Tqdm package and allows to track the progress of simulation runs in xarray-simlab. It can be used as a context manager around simulation calls:

In [3]: from xsimlab.monitoring import ProgressBar
In [4]: with ProgressBar():
   ...:     out_ds =
########## 100% | Simulation finished in 00:00

Alternatively, you can pass the progress bar via the hooks argument of or you can use the register method (for more information, refer to Section Custom runtime hooks).

ProgressBar and the underlying Tqdm tool are built to work with different Python front-ends. Use the optional argument frontend depending on your environment:

  • auto: automatically selects the front-end (default)

  • console: renders the progress bar as text

  • gui: progress rich rendering (experimental), which needs matplotlib to be installed

  • notebook: for use within IPython/Jupyter notebooks, which needs ipywidgets to be installed

Additionally, you can customize the built-in progress bar by supplying keyword arguments list to ProgressBar, e.g.:

In [5]: with ProgressBar(bar_format="{desc}|{bar}{r_bar}"):
   ...:     out_ds =
Simulation finished in 00:00|##########| 7/7 [00:00<00:00, 713.42it/s]

For a full list of customization options, refer to the Tqdm documentation.


Currently this progress bar doesn’t support tracking the progress of batches of simulations. If those batches are run in parallel you can use Dask’s diagnostics instead.

Custom runtime hooks

Custom monitoring can be implemented using simulation runtime hooks.

The runtime_hook() decorator allows a function to be called once or repeatedly at specific times during a simulation. The simple example below prints the step number as the simulation proceeds:

In [6]: @xs.runtime_hook("run_step", "model", "pre")
   ...: def print_step_start(model, context, state):
   ...:     print(f"Starting execution of step {context['step']}")

In [7]: out_ds =, hooks=[print_step_start])
Starting execution of step 0
Starting execution of step 1
Starting execution of step 2
Starting execution of step 3
Starting execution of step 4

Runtime hook functions are always called with the following 3 arguments:

  • model: the instance of Model that is running

  • context: a read-only dictionary that contains information about simulation runtime (see runtime() for a list of available keys)

  • state: a read-only dictionary that contains the simulation state, where keys are tuples in the form ('process_name', 'variable_name').

An alternative to the runtime_hook decorator is the RuntimeHook class. You can create new instances with any number of hook functions, e.g.,

In [8]: @xs.runtime_hook("run_step", "model", "post")
   ...: def print_step_end(model, context, state):
   ...:     print(f"Finished execution of step {context['step']}")

In [9]: print_steps = xs.RuntimeHook(print_step_start, print_step_end)

In [10]: out_ds =, hooks=[print_steps])
Starting execution of step 0
Finished execution of step 0
Starting execution of step 1
Finished execution of step 1
Starting execution of step 2
Finished execution of step 2
Starting execution of step 3
Finished execution of step 3
Starting execution of step 4
Finished execution of step 4

An advantage over directly using hook functions is that you can also use an instance of RuntimeHook either as a context manager over a model run call or globally with its register method:

In [11]: with print_steps:
   ....:     out_ds =
Starting execution of step 0
Finished execution of step 0
Starting execution of step 1
Finished execution of step 1
Starting execution of step 2
Finished execution of step 2
Starting execution of step 3
Finished execution of step 3
Starting execution of step 4
Finished execution of step 4

In [12]: print_steps.register()

In [13]: out_ds =
Starting execution of step 0
Finished execution of step 0
Starting execution of step 1
Finished execution of step 1
Starting execution of step 2
Finished execution of step 2
Starting execution of step 3
Finished execution of step 3
Starting execution of step 4
Finished execution of step 4

In [14]: print_steps.unregister()

In [15]: out_ds =  # no print

Another advantage is that you can subclass RuntimeHook and add decorated methods that may share some state:

import time

class PrintStepTime(xs.RuntimeHook):
    @xs.runtime_hook("run_step", "model", "pre")
    def start_step(self, model, context, state):
        self._start_time = time.time()

    @xs.runtime_hook("run_step", "model", "post")
    def finish_step(self, model, context, state):
        step_time = time.time() - self._start_time
        print(f"Step {context['step']} took {step_time:.2e} seconds")
In [16]: with PrintStepTime():
Step 0 took 1.63e-04 seconds
Step 1 took 1.94e-04 seconds
Step 2 took 1.51e-04 seconds
Step 3 took 1.51e-04 seconds
Step 4 took 1.60e-04 seconds

Control simulation runtime

Runtime hook functions may return a RuntimeSignal so that you can control the simulation workflow (e.g., skip the current stage or process, break the simulation time steps) based on some condition or some computed value.

In the example below, the simulation stops as soon as the gaussian pulse (peak value) has been advected past x = 0.4.

In [17]: @xs.runtime_hook("run_step", "model", "post")
   ....: def maybe_stop(model, context, state):
   ....:     peak_idx = np.argmax(state[('profile', 'u')])
   ....:     peak_x = state[('grid', 'x')][peak_idx]
   ....:     if peak_x > 0.4:
   ....:         print("Peak crossed x=0.4, stop simulation!")
   ....:         return xs.RuntimeSignal.BREAK

In [18]: out_ds =
   ....:     model=advect_model,
   ....:     hooks=[print_step_start, maybe_stop]
   ....: )
Starting execution of step 0
Starting execution of step 1
Starting execution of step 2
Peak crossed x=0.4, stop simulation!

Even when a simulation stops early like in the example above, the resulting xarray Dataset still contains all time steps defined in the input Dataset. Output variables have fill (masked) values for the time steps that were not run, as shown below with the nan values for profile__u (fill values are not stored physically in the Zarr output store).

In [19]: out_ds
Dimensions:        (time: 6, x: 150)
  * time           (time) float64 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
  * x              (x) float64 0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 ... 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49
Data variables:
    advect__v      float64 1.0
    grid__length   float64 1.5
    grid__spacing  float64 0.01
    init__loc      float64 0.3
    init__scale    float64 0.1
    profile__u     (time, x) float64 0.0001234 0.0002226 0.0003937 ... nan nan